How to Choose the Perfect Dildo Size

How to Choose the Perfect Dildo Size

Choosing the proper dildo size is essential for a satisfying experience when it comes to getting the ideal fit for your private times. We recognize the significance of your decision and strive to offer you thorough advice to guarantee your pleasure and comfort. We'll examine the crucial elements to think about when choosing a dildo size, dispel popular myths, and provide you with the knowledge you need to decide. So, if you think this advise will be useful, think about visiting our website.

Therefore, depending solely on the length dimension while purchasing toys is a common mistake. I'm looking for a 7-inch long dildo," is a common email we receive from customers. “What should I purchase? I also ask them right away, "What kind of girth are you looking for?" Because a sex toy's thickness will almost always be more significant than its length in a given setting and because two toys of the same length can have vastly varied girths.

But how can you determine the length and girth that you want?

Understanding Your Body's Needs

Body Anatomy and Preferences

Before delving into the world of dildo sizes, it's essential to understand your body's anatomy and personal preferences. Every individual is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Consider factors such as:

Vaginal Depth: Measure your vaginal depth to determine the ideal length of the dildo. Use a comfortable item or a measuring tape to get an accurate measurement.

Girth Preference: Decide on the level of girth that provides the desired sensation. Some individuals prefer a more substantial girth for a fuller feeling, while others opt for a slimmer option.

Exploring Dildo Sizes: Finding Your Perfect Match

Choosing the Right Length

The length of a dildo can significantly impact your experience. Too short, and you may miss out on stimulating deeper erogenous zones; too long, and it might become uncomfortable. Follow these steps to find your ideal length:

Measure Your Depth: Use a suitable item or measuring tape to determine your comfortable depth. Subtract a few inches from this measurement to ensure a comfortable fit.

Consider Intended Use: Different activities may require varying lengths. For example, vaginal penetration may differ from anal play. Keep this in mind while selecting the length.

Determining your desired girth can be a perplexing endeavor. Let's initiate our exploration with foundational reference points. Within the marketplace, the majority of available dildos and anal plugs exhibit diameters ranging from 1 to 2 inches (equivalent to approximately 4 to 6 inches in terms of circumference). It's essential to grasp the distinction: diameter signifies width across, while circumference denotes girth around. Diverse sex toy purveyors may present measurements in contrasting formats. If one format resonates more comfortably (as I personally find greater ease in visualizing diameter dimensions), numerous online converters are at your disposal for swift translation.

For those acquainted with the dimensions of human phalluses, such awareness can prove valuable. The standard human penis, for instance, boasts a diameter of approximately 1.5 inches. Progressively increasing from this, 1.75 inches would surpass the norm, 2 inches would be considered ample, and dimensions surpassing this threshold transcend typical human proportions. Thus, engaging in intimacy with individuals possessing male genitalia can furnish a useful starting point. The question emerges: do you desire the average, or do aspirations gravitate towards magnitudes either larger or smaller?

Conversely, consider the perspective of those unacquainted with any form of penetrative experience. For novices to insertable items, a diameter of 1 inch generally serves as a fitting point of commencement. If a cautious approach is favored, dimensions closer to .75 inches warrant consideration. Conversely, those who exude unwavering confidence might even venture forth with a 1.25-inch implement.

An observant eye might discern a pattern in the measurements I've outlined—increments and decrements of .25 inches pervade the discourse. This consistent modality of augmentation or reduction serves as the cardinal principle governing the sizing trajectory in the realm of sexual paraphernalia. Should an inclination towards enhancement manifest, it is prudent to seek an option exceeding the current selection by a quarter-inch in diameter. Such progression ushers in a gratifying stretch, albeit caution is required against excessive augmentation, which may lead to discomfort or render the implement untenable. During the process of upscaling, a measured approach is paramount. One must remain attuned to bodily cues and exercise circumspect cognizance of personal limits.

The repository of tactile perception lies in an unexpected source—your very own fingers. When uncertain about preferred girth, embarking on tactile exploration with your fingers is recommended. After determining the optimal number of fingers that afford the most satisfactory sensation, measurements can be taken by employing measuring tape (or an alternative string and ruler configuration) to ascertain the circumference of these fingers. Thus, a personalized benchmark is established, providing a foundation for subsequent considerations.

Certain outlets specializing in intimate products, such as JMOO Toys, extend the convenience of size filters. This feature facilitates narrowing your search to encompass only items within your favored size range, thereby streamlining the purchasing process.

An oft-committed error involves the interpretation of descriptors such as 'small,' 'medium,' and 'large,' present in the nomenclature or descriptions of the items. Such designations carry distinct connotations for different individuals and toy manufacturers. Brands specializing in sizable items might label a product "small" that another brand categorizes as "large." Even the inclusion of "thick" or "slim" in the item's appellation might not accurately convey its actual girth. Thus, a meticulous perusal of the listed dimensions is imperative to ascertain the true attributes.

Moreover, validation of these measurements through a secondary source is advisable. Some vendors merely transcribe the dimensions provided by the manufacturer, while others subject each item to manual measurement. In either case, room for human error exists, leading to disparities in the dimensions presented across different platforms.

This underscores the invaluable role of sexual implement evaluations. Proficient reviewers often uncover discrepancies in manufacturer-stated dimensions and, in video reviews, provide multi-angled views, thereby offering a more lucid representation of the actual size.

Another salient factor, while not always overtly articulated in product descriptions, is the firmness of an item. Silicone-based sex toys, for instance, can range from nearly rigid to exceptionally malleable, contingent upon the specific silicone blend employed. The firmness of an implement can profoundly influence size preferences.

Dildos endowed with significant pliability might evoke a sensation slightly smaller than their literal dimensions suggest, due to material compression during use. Consequently, individuals may accommodate larger sizes in softer toys. Conversely, the tactile experience with a firmer dildo leaves little to the imagination, prompting cautious size selection.

Deciphering Girth Dimensions

Girth plays a crucial role in the sensation a dildo provides. To identify your preferred girth, follow these guidelines:

Use a Circumference Chart: Measure your preferred girth using a piece of string and compare it to a circumference chart. This chart will help you visualize the girth dimensions that suit your desires.

Ease into Changes: If you're considering a significant increase in girth, consider gradually increasing the size of your toys to allow your body to adjust comfortably.

Busting Myths: Quality Over Quantity

Myth 1: Bigger Is Always Better

Contrary to popular belief, size isn't the only factor that matters when it comes to pleasure. The quality of stimulation and your comfort are equally, if not more, important. A dildo that's too large can lead to discomfort and even pain, overshadowing any potential pleasure.

Myth 2: One Size Fits All

Just as with clothing, the concept of a universal "one size fits all" dildo is unrealistic. Our bodies vary greatly, and a personalized approach ensures you'll enjoy your experience to the fullest. Take the time to explore different sizes and find what works best for you.

The Importance of Material

Body-Safe Materials

When choosing a dildo, the material it's made from matters. Opt for body-safe materials such as medical-grade silicone, stainless steel, or glass. These materials are non-porous, easy to clean, and compatible with water-based lubricants.

Embracing Your Journey

Experimentation and Communication

Selecting the perfect dildo size is a journey of self-discovery and pleasure. Embrace experimentation and open communication with your partner, if applicable. Don't be afraid to try different sizes and styles until you find what brings you the most satisfaction.


At JMOO, we believe that the path to pleasure is unique for every individual. By understanding your body's needs, preferences, and debunking common myths, you're equipped to choose the perfect dildo size that enhances your intimate experiences. Remember, it's not about conforming to unrealistic standards but about embracing what feels perfect for you.

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