Fingering 101: May Better than Sex

Fingering 101: May Better than Sex

Imagine this: you push your girlfriend into bed, with one hand firmly opening her thigh, sliding over her clit, slowly crawling around, and she starts trembling. So you push her panty to the side, two fingers stretch into her pussy, touching the inner wall, and feeling her inner wall clinging to your finger. you get turned on, didn’t you? Fingering can be such a magic, but at the same time we've seen too many unpleasant indicating experiences online, so how to use your fingers correctly?

Demystifying the Myths

The Power of Consent

Before we explore the intricacies of fingering, let's address the elephant in the room: consent. Consent is the cornerstone of any intimate act, and it is absolutely imperative. Always ensure that both you and your partner are comfortable with any level of intimacy before proceeding.

Emotional Connection

Fingering isn't just about physical stimulation; it's about emotional connection as well. It's a way to communicate love, desire, and affection. Understanding your partner's emotional needs is crucial in making the experience memorable.

Preparing for the Experience

The Importance of Communication

Open, honest communication is key. Make sure both of you are on the same page, and never hesitate to ask for feedback during the act to ensure you're both enjoying the experience.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

Maintaining good hygiene is not only courteous but also a sign of respect for your partner. Clean hands and trimmed nails are essential to prevent discomfort or potential harm during the act.

Position 101

Position 1: The "Sculptor" - Crafting Sensual Pleasure

This position is perfect for in-depth exploration and connection. As the giver, you have the opportunity to caress and stimulate the entire external genital area, much like a skilled sculptor molding clay into a work of art. To embark on this journey, it's essential to be well-prepared with lubrication, as the nature of this position requires significant openness. Additionally, keep your nails trimmed for her comfort. The build-up of sensations over time will leave her in a state of utter ecstasy.

The sculptor technique involves transitioning between two variations: the static and dynamic positions. When in a static position, you'll use your thumb and fingers to form a large "C" shape. The key is to engage the web-like structure between your thumb and forefinger in a gentle arc motion, creating an array of sensations. Simultaneously, your thumb's inner side can apply pressure upwards towards the vaginal wall's G-spot. You can further intensify this sensation by using your free hand to exert downward pressure on her lower abdominal area. Even through the abdominal touch, the side of your thumb remains in contact, creating a subtle yet delightful pressure. After employing the arched "C" motion, try extending the fingers to apply pressure on the pubic area, a sensation many women adore.

Position 2: The "Sculptor's Dance" - A Symphony of Movement

The dynamic aspect of the sculptor technique involves moving your thumb from the twelve o'clock position around the inner clock, reaching out to the six o'clock position. As you reach the six o'clock mark, change the posture, using your forefinger and middle finger to complete the loop, extending from six o'clock to twelve o'clock. Simultaneously, use your free hand to apply pressure on her lower abdominal skin, directing upwards, intensifying the experience.

Position 3: The Summoner

In this variation, insert your forefinger and middle finger and create a beckoning gesture towards the G-spot. Keep in mind that the G-spot is situated above the vaginal wall. You can enhance her experience by applying pressure on her lower abdomen.

Position 4: The Maestro

Remember, the hand on top is not only meant for pressure but also for strategic stimulation. Focus on the clitoral area with your middle finger or thumb, while the other hand's fingers gently stroke the G-spot. The palm's base maintains pressure and stimulation.

Position 4: The Frog

Remember the swimming lessons you once took? You can use your forefinger and middle finger to emulate a frog-like motion within her. Your hand's position can be either vertical or horizontal. This technique leverages the varying sensitivity within the vaginal wall to provide an exhilarating experience. You can also mix in the Foxtrot, where your two fingers move in and out of her body, allowing you to explore her vaginal walls. Pay attention to her hip movements; they indicate her preferences.

Tips for You

The Power of Patience and Arousal

Avoid the common mistake of immediately targeting her breasts and genital areas. Instead, make the most of her skin as her largest erogenous zone. Spend time exploring her body with your swirling techniques. After stimulating her with your fingers, many women appreciate the ultimate intimacy of oral pleasure. Exploring this avenue will reveal the extraordinary joy that can be achieved with your tongue.

Unveiling Her Arousal

Within the first thirty seconds of mental or physical stimulation, a woman's vaginal lubrication begins. The quantity and quality of lubrication can vary among individuals and depend on factors such as hydration, medication, and menstrual cycle phase.

To avoid rushing to the main act, focus on her skin. Skin-to-skin contact is a potent tool for arousal. As you continue your explorations, notice her breathing patterns; deeper breaths indicate increased relaxation. Her evolving breath can serve as a guide, revealing her inner desires.

Incorporate these advanced techniques into your intimate moments, and you'll be well on your way to mind-blowing intimacy that will leave both you and your partner yearning for more. Unlock the secrets of pleasure and embark on an exciting journey towards the ultimate connection with your partner.


Using lubrication is essential for a comfortable experience. The vagina is a delicate area, and lubrication helps reduce friction and increase pleasure. Always choose a high-quality, water-based lubricant for the best results.

Finding the Right Rhythm

Experiment with different speeds, pressures, and movements to find what works best for your partner. Pay close attention to their reactions and listen to their verbal and non-verbal cues.

Focus on the Clitoris

The clitoris is highly sensitive and can be a powerhouse of pleasure. Gently stimulate it using your fingers in a circular or up-and-down motion, depending on your partner's preferences. If you are concerned about that your finger may not powerful for her clit, consider try a finger vibrator for further pleasure.

G-Spot Stimulation

The G-spot, located a few inches inside the vagina on the upper wall, can be a source of intense pleasure for many individuals. Use a 'come-hither' motion with your fingers to stimulate this area.


Stay present in the moment. Pay attention to your partner's breathing, moans, and body language. This will guide you in delivering the most satisfying experience possible.

What to Avoid


Take your time. Rushing through the experience can lead to discomfort or even pain. Slow and steady wins the race.

Ignoring Feedback

Always be receptive to your partner's feedback. If something doesn't feel right or if they want you to adjust your technique, listen and adapt accordingly.

Neglecting Aftercare

After the act, ensure you provide emotional support and care for your partner. This helps create a deeper connection and ensures a positive experience for both of you.


Fingering is a deeply intimate act that can enhance the emotional and physical connection between you and your partner. Remember, it's not about specific techniques but communication, respect, and trust. By following the guidelines mentioned in this guide, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of fingering while ensuring a satisfying and respectful experience for both you and your partner. It's about intimacy, trust, and enhancing the bond you share, ensuring that the magic of the moment is truly unforgettable.

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