Why Do People Love Dragon Dildos?

Why Do People Love Dragon Dildos?

Dragon dildo is one of the biggest trends in sex toys in recent years. I guess you have seen them at least once on your phone. Have you wondered why they are so popular? This article has all the secrets to its popularity and how you should use yours.


Eye-catching design

Dragon dildos have some of the most bizarre designs among all sex toys. A lot of them have Vibrant colors and shapes unseen from elsewhere. They are eye-catching easy to notice among other products. For example, this rainbow dragon dildo is a classic design that is both visually pleasant and promises out-of-this-world sensation.


Striking size

While standard dildo sizes are around 4-5" * 4-6", dragon dildos usually go up to 8" or more in length and 7" in girth. Some Dragon dildo girth size goes to almost 8".

As the legend goes, dick size doesn’t matter. This statement is true. More specifically, there are factors more than length when dealing with vaginal sex. Many sources say size does not matter because too long of a dick can be painful for some women (vagina owners).

Some sources might also have told you that girth is more important than length. Many women (vagina owners) say they love feeling full in their vagina. Dragon dildos can satisfy many perfectly with their sizes.


You are in control

Another reason why sources tell you that size doesn’t matter is that what matters more is how you use it. Women (vagina owners) love using dragon dildos as they get to fully control how to use them.

Having mentioned that women (vagina owners) like being stuffed with huge dicks. But as you may have guessed, huge dicks are also super painful when it moves inside of you. Hooking up with someone with a large penis is not always the best idea. But at the same time, it is hard to demand any man to stay inside hard while doing nothing.

That is why many women choose dragon dildos. They are in complete control. For example, women (vagina owners) put the dragon dildo in their vagina while playing with their clit.


Popularity in niche communities

People who are into furries and fantasy plays are some of the biggest fans of dragon dildos. It is because their hobbies perfectly fit the themes of dragon dildos. 

Imagine encountering a handsome dragon in mating season with a huge dragon dildo with suction cup. He will stuff you so full and send you right to ecstasy.

Scenarios like this are perfect with Dragon dildos. If you are into fantasy plays and fantasy sex toys, get a dragon dildo to make your sessions colorful and kinky.


A great addition to your adult toy collection

If you are starting a sex toy collection, don’t miss out on a dragon dildo.

Dragon dildos are perfect for your next purchase if you want something different in your adult toy collection. Their eye-catching colors and bizzare shapes cannot only give you new sensations but are also perfect for starting conversations.

Invite someone to your house to show them your large dragon dick.



How do I choose a dragon dildo?

Check the design, size, and material of the dildos. As dragon dildos are pretty large, make sure to choose ones that use safe material. Even if you get injured, the damage can be controlled. Our dragon dildos are made of silicon materials, which are safe and clean.

How do I use my dragon dildo?

As dragon dildos are large, make sure to use them safely. Remember to clean your toys. You can put condoms on your toys to help with sanitation and lubrication. Take things slowly to get used to its girth. Don't forget to use oil-based lubes so you don’t get hurt.

Can I use silicon-based lube with my dragon dildo?

You cannot use silicon-based lube with your silicone dragon dildo. We highly recommend you use oil-based lube with your dragon dildo. Silicone lubes can damage your toys and leave silicone residual in your body.

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